Posted in Fahrenheit 451, Literature Lessons, Secondary/IP/IB

Fahrenheit 451 Lesson 4 : Montag and the whole of F451

It took 2 hours and 20 minutes but it’s done! I’ve analysed all the chapters (I say “I” because I did most of the talking 🤨 ) and now we’ve got a solid set of  notes to refer to

The exams are in two weeks for secondary students. 2 lessons left💪🏻 And I’m hoping, despite the fact that I’ve had only a short time to do this, that she passes

Posted in Literature Lessons, Secondary/IP/IB

Lit Poetry Lesson : Rejection by Jenny Sullivan



Rejection is orange
Not, as one might think,
Grey and nondescript.
It is the vivid orange of
A council worker’s jacket.
A coat of shame that says
‘he doesn’t want you.’
Rejection tastes like ashes
Acrid, bitter.
It sounds
Like the whisper of voices
Behind my back.
‘He didn’t want her.
He dumped her.’
It feels 
Like the scraping of fingernails
On a blackboard,

Not ache or stab of pain
But like having a layer of skin missing.
Rejection looks like – me,
I suppose.

Slightly leftover
Like the last, curled sandwich
When all the guests 
Have gone.

Jenny Sullivan


Another poem awash with devices and techniques

There’s so much to think about when you analyse this, though it seemed hard ..for 14-year-old boys.

Part 1

Part 2 (oops, it just stopped working)

Posted in Literature Lessons, Secondary/IP/IB

Lit Poetry Lesson : Autumn

Autumn – by Alan Bold

Autumn arrives

Like an experienced robber

Grabbing the green stuff

Then cunningly covering his tracks

With a deep multitude

Of colourful distractions.

And the wind,

The wind is his accomplice

Putting an air of chaos

Into the careful diversions

So branches shake

And dead leaves are suddenly brown

In the faces of inquisitive strangers.

The theft chills the world

Changes the temper of the earth

Till the normally placid sky

Glows red with a quiet rage.

I decided to go with “Autumn” by Alan Bold.

I liked the contrast in this picture I found, it suits the poem. What you know of the seasonal period, isn’t how Alan exposes us to his version of it. Which was exactly what I wanted.

Mind you, it’s been half a year since we went through poetry. I think we did pretty good analyzing it :

(This is just the audio)

I’m now contemplating what to analyze next 🙂

Posted in Animal Farm, Literature Lessons, Secondary/IP/IB

Lit Lessons : Animal Farm & literary devices

img_2083Though this would be my second time teaching the spectacular tale that is Animal Farm, it still hasn’t dulled the enormity that it took to come up with such a masterpiece. I can see why adults in their 50s I know who studied this in their teens and still remember it (I speak of a specific person in my life of course aha)

We looked at the characters, those who really impact the story; as well as chapters 1-4

Lesson 1

Lesson 2

With an understanding of English literary devices

Lesson 3

Same for this too